Connecting Generations: An innovative digital resource on mental wellbeing for adolescents and caregivers.

NewsHighlightSeptember 28, 2023

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The Z Zurich Foundation and LiveWell have launched Connecting Generations: Guiding your adolescent through their formative years. A new digital tool designed to help caregivers better support their own mental wellbeing and that of their adolescents. Based on materials developed and being field tested by UNICEF*, Connecting Generations equips caregivers with essential resources to enhance their understanding of adolescents, support their mental wellbeing, and strengthen connections with the young people they care for.

Since 2021, the Z Zurich Foundation and UNICEF have embarked on a multi-year partnership dedicated to optimizing the mental health and wellbeing of young people worldwide. Connecting Generations advances this shared vision by enabling access to vital resources in a user-friendly format. Through the LiveWell app, caregivers can access this wealth of knowledge anytime, anywhere, and at their own pace.

Connecting Generations emphasize stronger family relationships through self-reflection and mutual growth. Caregivers can learn more about themselves while supporting the adolescents in their lives. The app features guided meditations, articles, tips, and more, encouraging mindfulness, teaching effective communication skills, and bridging the gap between caregivers and adolescents. By digitizing what is potentially quite heavy course material, LiveWell is helping Z Zurich Foundation make information available to a wider set of caregivers in an engaging and easily accessible way.

LiveWell CEO, Stephanie Lloyd, said: “LiveWell’s ambition is to create a service-led digital health solution that helps people to balance their physical, mental, social, and financial health. With that same vision as the Z Zurich Foundation and UNICEF, we are very proud to be able to bring such valuable resources to a wider audience through accessible and innovative solutions.”

Gregory Renard, Head of the Z Zurich Foundation said: “The Connecting Generations experience offers a pioneering pathway to support and protect adolescents’ mental wellbeing before any crisis point is reached. We are very thankful to LiveWell for having digitalized this innovative solution, now accessible to anyone and already translated into eight languages. This is a significant contribution to the mental wellbeing of young people in our societies.”

Begin the program now! 

Access Connecting Generations on the Health tab in the LiveWell app, and unlock valuable resources to strengthen family connections. 

Don't have the LiveWell app? Scan the QR code below and get access now!

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Activation code: N7G4-FPJT-ZTA2


About Z Zurich Foundation  

At the Z Zurich Foundation, we believe in a world where young people have the tools and resources to improve their mental wellbeing. Throughout the various projects we support, we aim to create a mental wellbeing movement that is helping young people see their feelings for what they are, so they can prevent stress from developing into anxiety. 

The Z Zurich Foundation works alongside Zurich Insurance Group employees and other stakeholders as well as with governments and NGOs in pursuit of a future where people can thrive in the face of increasing climate hazards, where those of us feeling the stresses of life are empowered to speak up, and where the marginalized in our society can reach their full potential.  

The Z Zurich Foundation is a Swiss-based charitable foundation established by members of the Zurich Insurance Group. It is the main vehicle by which Zurich Insurance Group delivers on its global community investment strategy. 

Visit the Z Zurich Foundation’s website to learn more about its work:

*UNICEF does not endorse any company, brand, product or service.